Executes cURL request to a pre-defined endpoint of the EU Publications Office. Relies on elx_make_query to generate valid SPARQL queries. Results are capped at 1 million rows.

  query = "",
  endpoint = "http://publications.europa.eu/webapi/rdf/sparql"



A valid SPARQL query specified by elx_make_query() or manually


SPARQL endpoint


A data frame containing the results of the SPARQL query. Column work contains the Cellar URI of the resource.


# \donttest{
elx_run_query(elx_make_query("directive", include_force = TRUE, limit = 10))
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#>    work                                 type  celex      force
#>    <chr>                                <chr> <chr>      <chr>
#>  1 469391ea-6c79-4680-84aa-c33db274e271 DIR   31979L0173 false
#>  2 e8fcaf0d-443a-40ec-b778-34b7d895d334 DIR   31989L0194 false
#>  3 52639f5f-ecaf-4f99-b633-e954cea5c8f3 DIR   31984L0378 false
#>  4 c7560407-689b-4752-9fb0-d0624ed83a19 DIR   31966L0683 true 
#>  5 803aa7a4-5a22-493a-ae02-eb2751bff578 DIR   31993L0004 false
#>  6 a9ab7f4b-0630-49f4-b6e1-2a92c635fefa DIR   31992L0017 false
#>  7 d83c00d6-9467-4e42-ad8b-5fcf1af66850 DIR   31983L0447 false
#>  8 311441f3-7879-4769-83c0-a6cb666d706f DIR   31966L0162 false
#>  9 eebd7224-5f8b-4031-99dd-c81c720fa718 DIR   31974L0508 false
#> 10 f2e14ae4-6baf-407d-a66f-438373370239 DIR   31982L0957 false
# }